Is AI the new way to go in marketing?

As AI is becoming more and more popular, many people are asking themselves whether AI can be useful for marketing.

Before answering this question, let’s make a step back to understand how AI works. Simply put, AI marketing is a method of leveraging intelligence technologies to collect data, customer insights, anticipate customers’ next moves, and make automated decisions that impact marketing efforts. In marketing, AI is usually used in which speed is essential.

AI is all about making devices able to perform intelligent actions in order to simulate human intelligence processes. AI consists in giving computers the ability of using “reasoning” and performing specific tasks when exposed to new data or when required by a user. It aims at automating decision-making when dealing with complex situations through machine learning and deep learning.

Machine learning: construction of algorithms that work from data and experience with the goal of predicting future outcomes even if they haven’t been encountered before. On the opposite side, deep learning lets AI learn by itself and not through examples.

AI is also used for chatbots (virtual assistants) thanks to cognitive computing. They’re AI-based software programs that can help users with specific enquiries at any time of the day or night. They understand natural language and give a reply in full sentences like a human would do. With AI and machine learning, they can talk with you and get smarter every day. AI changes marketing: A new way to engage with customers directly through chatbots!

If AI is becoming more and more popular, it’s because its potential really interests companies nowadays:

1/ AI saves lots of time on repetitive tasks such as data processing and information analysis

2/ AI can be a helpful tool to enhance forecasting accuracy by collecting more data from customers

3/ AI is able to reduce the human factor, which leads to mistakes in decision-making processes. AI eliminates errors with its “reasoning” capabilities for example for pricing decisions or ad campaign selection.

4/ AI makes it easier to focus on customer needs as AI brings personalized interactions between companies and their customers because every user’s conversation with the AI bot is different depending on that specific user’s choices (it analyses his or her behavior). One AI software program already deals with millions of conversations at the same time! Another key element of AI is that there are no language barriers, so AI brings an international aspect to marketing. AI is already widely used all around the world.

5/ AI can make companies save money compared to other AI solutions like smart (self-driving) cars, which could be very expensive for example. AI is far more accessible than that kind of AI!

Even if AI isn’t perfect yet and still has some flaws that should be fixed in order to get the best out of it, AI’s future looks bright because many tech brands are investing in AI (Apple, Microsoft…). The only question now is: what will companies do with AI? Will they use it for good or bad? Only time will tell. More so, governments will play an important role regarding AI’s development to make AI more ethical.

The opinions are split between AI being an opportunity for marketers or AI being a threat to jobs. People have good reasons to be concerned about AI’s future sometimes because AI can replace humans in some cases. However, AI is not the technology that will replace humans’ jobs. On the opposite side, AI could help marketers with lots of tasks so this example demonstrates how AI really enhances human intelligence instead of replacing it! The digital marketer role will also change thanks to AI but one thing remains certain: marketers mustn’t fear AI but embrace it, use it and build their skills around AI!

AI opens up new possibilities and the future looks bright for both AI and digital marketers. AI will help them develop their skills as AI will support them by taking over some of their repetitive tasks such as analyzing data, processing it and coming up with offers at certain prices… AI will bring lots of opportunities to the marketing sector so AI should definitely become part of every marketer’s toolbox!

The bottom line is that your organization must determine whether it give up some control over certain tasks while learning to utilize AI assistance while you both grow and learn together.

You can always contact us for guidance in anything related to Marketing, Investor Relations (IR), and Public Relations (PR). We are an award-winning firm and have been featured in the media as well, so surely we are experts in all these fields. Don’t worry, we will have solutions to all of your marketing problems.

Patricia Baronowski-Schneider


Pristine Advisers

Tel: 631–756–2486 | Fax: 646–933–0177


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